- Siggraph Asia 2018: Tracking the Gaze on Objects in 3D: How do People Really Look at the Bunny?
- Eurographics 2017: Diffusion Diagrams: Voronoi Cells and Centroids from Diffusion
- CHI 2017: Changing the Appearance of Real-World Objects by Modifying Their Surroundings
- SMI 2017: Unsharp Masking Geometry Improves 3D Prints
- UIST 2017: HeatSpace - Automatic Placement of Displays by Empirical Analysis of User Behavior
- Siggraph Asia 2017: Localized solutions of sparse linear systems for geometry processing
- Prof. Alexa elected as Fellow of Eurographics
- Prof. Alexa selected as Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Graphics
- Siggraph Asia 2018: Factor Once: Reusing Cholesky Factorizations on Sub-Meshes
- Optimal Discrete Slicing
- CHI'19: I Can See What You Think: The Mental Image Revealed by Gaze Tracking
- ABC: A Big CAD Model Dataset For Geometric Deep Learning (CVPR 2019)
- Properties of Laplace Operators for Tetrahedral Meshes - Best Paper Award at SGP
- Gauss Stylization: Interactive Artistic Mesh Modeling based on Preferred Surface Normals (SGP 2021)
- 2 CVPR papers, one poster, one oral
- ERC Advanced Grant: EMERGE
- Differentiable Shadow Mapping for Efficient Inverse Graphics (CVPR 2023)
- Andy Nealen's Osmos on The Simpsons!
- SIGGRAPH 2012: How Do Humans Sketch Objects?
- SIGGRAPH 2012: Sketch-Based Shape Retrieval
- CG @ Deutschlandradio Kultur
- Dagstuhl seminar accepted
- Computers & Graphics: Orthogonal Slicing for Additive Manufacturing
- SIGGRAPH Papers Chair
- Avoiding inbreeding in science and art
- Panono at TV Total
- Eurographics 2012: Shape Fabrication by Sliding Planar Slices
- Eurographics Outstanding Technical Contributions Award
- Panono one of the 36 coolest gadgets of 2014
- FG Computer Graphics umgezogen !
- Eurographics 2015: Approximating Free-form Geometry with Height Fields for Manufacturing
- NPAR 2015: The Markov Pen - Online Synthesis of Freehand Drawing Styles
- CG&A Special Issue: Measuring Visual Salience of 3D Printed Objects
- UIST 2016: Changing the Appearance of Physical Interfaces Through Controlled Transparency
- Team
- Computer Graphics
- Teaching
- Research
- Projects
- Measuring Visual Salience of 3D Printed Objects
- Combining Shape-changing Interfaces with Spatial Augmented Reality
- Visual Saliency on 3D Objects
- Transparency-controlled physical interfaces
- Changing the Appearance of Real-World Objects by Modifying Their Surroundings
- Harmonic Triangulations
- Conforming Weighted Delaunay Triangulations
- Alpha Functions
- Appearance of Real World Objects
- Triangulations
- Sketch-based Modeling and Retrieval
- Direct Digital Manufacturing
- Projects
- Thesis
- Positions
- Contact
- Impressum
- Publications
- XShape Publications
- Intern