VVZ-Nr.: 0433 L 325
- Prof. Dr. Marc Alexa
- Mondays – 12:00 – 18:00
- Start: 14 Oct. 2019 – End: 10 Feb. 2020 (weekly)
- Room: MAR 6.051
Course Structure:
- Project – 6 SWS, 9 ECTS
- Portfolio Examination
Project Websites:
- Recent developments of rapid prototyping technologies and algorithmic techniques to model and manipulate digital objects introduce new ways of thinking in design, prototyping and production. Reintroducing physical models into the concept of computer graphics opens up new perspectives on how to construct and perceive real objects. Examples are easy personalization of objects. In this project participants will develop algorithms that use 3D printers, laser cutters or CNC milling machines for prototyping and customization. We will explore different materials to construct 3D computer-generated models (e.g. paper, food or textiles).
- Details: We give a brief overview of the basic ideas and several recent developments in this field. Students will work in small teams on a chosen topic and present the basics of their topic in an intermediate talk. Finally, each team will implement a recent research papers and present their topic, application and results in a concluding talk.
- Interest in visual arts and graphics, programming skills, DIY and making things
- Interest in computer graphics and geometry (ideally you attended CG1 and CG2).
- Basic linear algebra background and solid programming skills are a plus.
- Please register for the course in ISIS until 13 Oct. 2019.