CG Seminar B

Modul-Nr.: 63230 – VVZ-Nr.: 0433 L 370

Topic: coming soon


  • Prof. Dr. Marc Alexa


  • Mondays – 10:00 am – 12:00 am
  • Start: 24. April 2017 – End: 17. July 2017 (weekly)
  • Room: MAR 6.051

Course Structure

  • Seminar – 2 SWS


  • The need for efficient processing of digital geometry is ubiquitous in fields like computer graphics, medicine or the industry (CAD/CAM). Typical problems include parametrization, deformation, filtering, reconstruction and compression. As diverse as the applications are the mathematical tools used to solve real world problems in these domains. Following the principle “learning by doing” we will implement some state of the art algorithms presented in recent publications.
  • Details: The course gives a brief overview of the basic ideas and several recent developments in this field. Students will work in small teams on a chosen topic and present the basics of their topic in an intermediate talk. Finally, each team will implement a recent research paper and present their topic, application and results in a concluding talk. Both efficiency of the underlying algorithms as well as robustnessare important aspects in this course. Grading will be based on all aspects of performance.



  • Interest in computer graphics and geometry (ideally you attended CG1 + CG2).
  • Basic linear algebra background and solid programming skills are a plus.


  • Please register for the course in ISIS.


Sekr. MAR 6-6