Sketch-Based Image Retrieval and Synthesis
We introduce a system for progressively creating images through a simple sketching and compositing interface. A large database of images is searched for matches to a user’s binary outline sketch; the results of this search can be combined interactively with the current image. more
In winter 2007/08 a multi touch table has been built in our group. We designed and constructed the table in a student project. The table is based on the FTIR technology. We enhanced the robustness of our table against ambient light by alternating the LEDs in sync with the camera. more
Depth Imaging
Since 2007 we are working on depth imaging. We combine the depth images from either time-of-flight or stereo cameras with color images. We aim on not just gathering depth information from these systems alone or by fusing them, but also visualize the depth information directly. This includes augmented reality scenarios as well as image or video manipulation. more
FiberMesh: Designing Freeform Surfaces with 3D Curves
We have created a system for designing freeform surfaces with a collection of 3D curves. The user first creates a rough 3D model by using a sketching interface. Unlike previous sketching systems, the user-drawn strokes stay on the model surface and serve as handles for controlling the geometry. The user can add, remove, and deform these control curves easily, as if working with a 2D line drawing. The curves can have arbitrary topology; they need not be connected to each other. For a given set of curves, the system automatically constructs a smooth surface embedding by applying functional optimization. Our system provides real-time algorithms for both control curve deformation and the subsequent surface optimization. We show that one can create sophisticated models using this system, which have not yet been seen in previous sketching or functional optimization systems. more
Sketch based modeling
In this work we present a method for the intuitive editing of surface meshes by means of view-dependent sketching. In most existing shape deformation work, editing is carried out by selecting and moving a handle, usually a set of vertices. Our system lets the user easily determine the handle, either by silhouette selection and cropping, or by sketching directly onto the surface. Subsequently, an edit is carried out by sketching a new, view-dependent handle position or by indirectly influencing differential properties along the sketch. Combined, these editing and handle metaphors greatly simplify otherwise complex shape modeling tasks. more
Laplacian Surface Editing
Surface editing operations commonly require geometric details of the surface to be preserved as much as possible. We argue that geometric detail is an intrinsic property of a surface and that, consequently, surface editing is best performed by operating over an intrinsic surface representation. more