ERC Advanced Grant: EMERGE

Prof. Alexa has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant for his research project “EMERGE” (“Geometry Processing as Inference”). The European Research Council will finance the project with 2.5 million euros over the next five years. They exclusively fund groundbreaking, innovative and pioneering basic research. The applicants’ scientific excellence and the projects are the sole selection criterion. 

EMERGE aims to use the methods of geometry processing also for the processing of higher-dimensional structures. The hope and central thesis of the project is that the refinement of methods in geometry processing over the last decades will still be successful when extended to higher dimensions and exploit potentials that are complementary to developments in machine intelligence and classical digital signal processing.

Properties of Laplace Operators for Tetrahedral Meshes – Best Paper Award at SGP

In joint work with ETH Zurich we have investigated the properties of different Laplace operators for tetrahedral meshes. The resulting paper has been accepted for presentation at this year’s Symposium on Geometry Processing and received the best paper award. More information on the work, including presentation slides and code, can be found at the project web site (hosted at ETH Zurich).

Prof. Alexa selected as Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Graphics

Prof. Alexa has been selected as Editor in Chief of ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), the leading technical journal in the field of computer graphics.

Prof. Alexa elected as Fellow of Eurographics

Each year, the European Association for Computer Graphics elects up to three members for their longstanding contributions to be Fellows of the Association. Prof. Alexa has been elected as one of two new Fellows in 2018. Citation and more information.

Optimal Discrete Slicing

Slicing is the procedure necessary to prepare a shape for layered manufacturing. There are degrees of freedom in this process, such as the starting point of the slicing sequence and the thickness of each slice. The choice of these parameters influences the manufacturing process and its result: the number of slices significantly affects the time needed for manufacturing, while their thickness affects the error. Assuming a discrete setting, we measure the error as the number of voxels that are incorrectly assigned due to slicing. We provide an algorithm that generates, for a given set of available slice heights and a shape, a slicing that is provably optimal. By optimal we mean that the algorithm generates sequences with minimal error for any possible number of slices. The algorithm is fast and flexible, it can accommodate a user driven importance modulation of the error function and allows the interactive exploration of the desired quality/time tradeoff.
We can demonstrate the practical importance of our optimization on several 3D-printed results.

The technical background is described in a paper that now appeared in ACM TOG.

Panono one of the 36 coolest gadgets of 2014

Panono-Panoramic-Ball-Camera-5Panono’s panoramic camera, originally developed as a thesis work by CG alumnus Jonas Pfeil is now in it’s second revision and has been selected one of the 36 coolest gadgets in 2014 by CNN.

Eurographics Outstanding Technical Contributions Award


Prof. Alexa receives the Outstanding Technical Contributions Award of Eurographics. The award is “given each year to an individual in computer graphics to highlight some outstanding technical achievement.”

The award has been presented at the yearly main conference of Eurographics, which took place in Strasbourg, France this year.

Andy Nealen’s Osmos on The Simpsons!

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Prominently featured in an episode of The Simpson was CG alumnus Andy Nealen’s game, Osmos: Milhouse had his iPad stolen on “The Simpsons.” When he finds it in Bart’s possession and begins to confront him, he is entranced by “the music of this bubble game.”

Avoiding inbreeding in science and art

Prof. Alexa has been elected to the executive board of the Hybrid Plattform. He had been active in trans-disciplinary projects for years, strongly believing that this keeps science and research well-grounded.